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We come together to worship together, to work together and to play together in a wide variety of ways.


We affirm each week in worship:

Love is the spirit of this church
and service is its law.
To dwell together in peace,
to seek the truth in freedom,
to serve humanity in love -
is our covenant
with each other and with God


We strive together to live this covenant and to be a community of love and support through all of life's ups and downs.


Our Mission: 

It is our mission to sustain and enrich a church community that:  Fosters the individual and spiritual growth of people of all ages; affirms the worth and dignity of each individual and welcomes diversity; preserves tradition of independence, freedom of thought, the democratic process; encourages openness to new ideas, service and caring in a sharing and supportive environment—through worship, a shared ministry, education and social outreach programs.


Pride Flag with Peace written on it
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